About Heidi
About Heidi
A wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend…
I was raised by loving parents with 3 wonderful siblings in the beautiful Rocky Mountains.
I’m a dedicated wife to an amazing supportive Husband. He’s my best friend and confident. I’m so grateful for his love and dedication as a husband and father.
Together we are raising 4 incredible and talented children. I’m a brave mom trying to do my best to raise happy, confident, kind, and capable children. I’m surrounded by wonderful friends and family who support, love and help each other.
Being a wife and mother is hard, but it’s also a joyous and rewarding adventure. I enjoy being at home so I can be there for my husband and children. I’m so grateful for the help of those who surround me and support me. Most importantly I am so grateful for the help that comes from heaven.
I love God, family, music, singing, biking, water skiing, running, photography and traveling. I collect thimbles when I travel and it helps me remember the places I’ve visited and the fun memories from each vacation.
Starting a Blog…
My Friends started Shine Cosmetics out of the sincere desire to change the way women felt about themselves. They wanted to inspire women and help them to look their best always. They decided to revolutionize the way in which beauty products are being marketed. I decided to try to make a difference by starting a blog, shinebyheidi.
And Now I’m Here!
I’m an affiliate for Shine Cosmetics. I love Shine’s mission to revolutionize the way in which beauty products are being marketed and each product serves as a daily affirmation to remind us of just how amazing we are. As I look online or see commercials for beauty products I am appalled at the type of inappropriate, explicit, sexual connotations that are associated with the beauty industry. I love that Shine’s products have a purpose, the names can inspire, encourage, fortify and give positive declarations as I get ready each morning. It inspires me that Shine Cosmetics is committed to encouraging, inspiring and fortifying women. I have a passion for helping others feel confident about themselves. I hope you enjoy reading about my adventures and that it inspires you to go out and experience your own!
CONTACT ME: heidi@shinebyheidi.com
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